Symptoms of threadworm infection may include: Domestic pets are not a source of infection. They can survive for up to 2 weeks in the environment and can easily infect other people. However, the eggs can also spread into bedding or clothing, or be blown into the air, settling on many surfaces in the home or school. When the child then puts their fingers in their mouth the eggs can enter the body. The eggs can be spread when a child scratches their bottom and eggs get under the fingernails, or when a child does not wash their hands after going to the toilet. The eggs hatch inside the bowel, where they live, then travel out through the anus (bottom) to lay their eggs on the skin there at night time. Threadworms are caught when someone swallows the worm’s eggs. They are not fussy about who they infect and having them does not reflect on the hygiene of a child’s home. They are most common in children, but anyone of any age can be affected. Threadworms are small, white, thread-like worms 2 to 13 mm long. Infection with other worms such as roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms is less common. The most common worm in Australian children is the threadworm, Enterobius vermicularis, sometimes called the pinworm. Worms causing infection in people are parasites that live and breed mostly in the bowel (intestine). Most of them are not a problem in Australia because of our climate and good standard of sanitation. There are many worms worldwide that can infest the bowels of people. Worms - including symptoms treatment and prevention On this page